Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lecture 8 summary

Today's lecture focussed on "internet Censorship", "politics" and "Content File Sharing"

  • Politics: refers to the power relationships between people, "lower case p" politics
  • politics matters to us on a level other than the government.
  • hackers are people who explore what is possible
  • what our personal rights and responsiblities are, towards other people and institutions.
  • politica can be race, gender, age, social economic status, and money.
  • politics is who is going to use power over you.
  • citizen hacker: what are our rigths in the internet age?
  • In europe you get '3 strikes and your out' polocy in regard to downloading 'illegal' material, where after these 3 strikes the government will shut off your internet.
  • what are our rights as citizens in regard to new communication technologies.
  • Sweden/ Uk has strong internet censorship
  • However, you as the citizen have the choice as to whether to turn this on or not. "opt-in system"
  • Australia in 2007 the government wanted to introduce mandatory internet filter.
  • this came from interests outside of Australia
  • Liberal government wanted to introduce a mandatory internet filter.
  • this was a technical solution to a social problem
  • however, issues with poilicing the list (from being linked), and giving someone a blacklist of all the censored information.
  • issues with more expensive broadband
  • moral issues: criminals using dodgy websites which are organised and underground, censorship will not work as the site names can be easily changed etc.
  • Filesharing: the law lags behind expecially with the internet.
  • Content industry offer services on behalf of the creators.
  • the internet's main purpose is to copy.
  • Content Oublisher->$->creator->creative commons (cutting out the middle man)->PD
  • the problem comes down to revenue
  • Film we watched: at the foundation of existence is communication and the spreading and copying of knowledge.
  • Early in history copying and print was seen as the work of the devil, however copying of information is inevitable and had become more and more widespread.
  • advances in technology lead to the invention of networking computers and the INTERNET.
  • the Internets primary function was the reproduction and distribution of knowledge.

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