Tuesday, December 1, 2009

day 8 Tutorial Task

net.artTake a look at: digital poet Jason Nelson's SecretTechnology.comYou should explore AT LEAST THREE of his creations and write about your response to the works that you are viewing.

Think about the way you interact with the works: How does it make you feel?What does it makes you think about?What are the other media forms that it uses, or is similar to?If we accept that Jason's works are poetry - How do you "read" digital poetry like that?

The first one I went to was an interactive puzzle game where clues were hidden in the screen. It was interesting and different and made me feel like I wanted to know more. Although it was a little difficult to control the mouse to where it needed to be I found it frustrating yet still a little fun. It makes me think about how the things in the screen were related and what that relation could be. It uses words from what could be books etc, and is similar to an interactive book where the author allows you to choose the path that the book takes. I guess you "read" digital poetry in the same way that you explore a website, taking from it what you will.

The second one I went to was the poetry cube, where you as the viewer control how the poetry moves from side to side, up and down etc and changes as the viewer wishes. It made me slightly confused as there didn't seem to be any specific structure of the poetry, however I was also intrigued. It makes me think about interactive poetry and the future in which this new kind of poetry could take. It is similar to a poetry book, however the viewer can change the poem to their liking at any time. You read this kind of poetry with an open mind and have to be aware that it may not form any structure, or the structure may become clear.

The third one I went to was called 'evil hypnotising mascots'. It made me feel a little uneasy with the combination of strange sounds and visuals and words such as "death". It made me feel confused and I wanted it to make more sense and have more structure. It used other media forms of animal characters, music and was very interactive. To read the poetry in this you must overcome the confusion of it all, but as the veiwer is in control you are able to make sense of it if you try.

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