Sunday, November 22, 2009

Task 2- lecture 1 summary

The major points that were covered in the lecture today included;
  • the fact that media becomes old very quickly, and that a modern obstacle comes in the form of this quick change.
  • the definition of communication stems from a man in Greece named Aristotle, who said that the speaker - transmits the message - which in turn is relayed to the listener. This basic process in important to understand as the foundation of communication.
  • Shannon and Weaver elaborated Aristotle's speaker/message/listener model, to include the speaker producing a message through a transmitter- which goes to the receiver and the listener. Noise can possibly interfere with or potentially change this message.
  • Intersubjectivity and Intertextuality explore how we create meaning from a message. The meaning we interpret is influenced and moulded by our life experiences.
  • Almost every discipline studies the internet.
  • Technology invloves the study of it as well as the techniques of how technology is used. Technology requires knowledge to operate it, and knowledge of techniques.
  • Marshal McLewin said that media and technology were the same, and that technology was an "extension of our human body".
  • Such extensions inlcude objects such as reading glasses, which serve to extend our abilility to see. Ancient tools used as technology extended our ability to be effective hunters (stones, spears etc). The wheel can be said to be an extension of the human foot, because it let people travel further. A book or a photograph can be said to be an extension of the human eye, as we are able to look at places that we have never actually been to or seen before.
  • Such examples can be said to be an extension of our basic abilities as humans.
  • "the media is the message"
  • Media and technology are not one in the same
  • media is an extension of "medium", which is more than one media.
  • medium is a "force which acts instead of".
  • media includes that such as television and newspaper, which act on behalf of others and convey a message.
  • the medium is the thing in between that moves the message along.
  • technology itself is not a medium, it becomes a medium when you use it in a social or cultural context.
  • Convergence refers to new media forms using the content of the previous medium.
  • Examples of this include newspaper content which became radio content, which became television content.
  • the interenet has been a vital step forward for doing things in everyday life that couldnt be done before.

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