Monday, November 30, 2009

Tutorial 6 task- Essay Research

Write out the question that you would like to answer for your essay, find at least 5 references and write 50 words on each.

The question that I chose to research was "In what ways is the virtual world and the real world merging?".

Mixed Reality: Future Dreams Seen at the Border between Real and Virtual Worlds
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, November/December 2001 (vol. 21 no. 6)
pp. 64-70
Hideyuki Tamura, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Akihiro Katayama

Mixed reality (MR) is a kind of virtual reality (VR), but a broader concept than augmented reality (AR), which augments the real world with synthetic electronic data. On the opposite side, augmented virtuality (AV) enhances or augments virtual environment with data from real world. MR covers a continuum from AR to AV.

Virualized Reality: Constructing Virtual Worlds from Real Scenes.
T Kanade, P Rander, PJ Narayanan
IEEE Multimedia

A new visual medium, Virtualized Reality, immerses viewers in a virtual reconstruction of real-world events.The Virtualized Reality world model consists of real images and depth information computed from these images. Stereoscopic reconstructions provide a sense of complete immersion, and users can selecttheir own viewpoints at view time, independent of the actual camera positions used to capture the event.

Augmented reality: linking real and virtual worlds: a new paradigm for interacting with computers
AVI archive
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces
Wendy E. Mackay
Publisher: ACM New York, NY, USA
Pages: 13 - 21
Year of Publication: 1998

A revolution in computer interface design is changing the way we think about computers. Rather than typing on a keyboard and watching a television monitor, Augmented Reality lets people use familiar, everyday objects in ordinary ways. The difference is that these objects also provide a link into a computer network. Doctors can examine patients while viewing superimposed medical images; children can program their own LEGO constructions; construction engineers can use ordinary paper engineering drawings to communicate with distant colleagues. Rather than immersing people in an artificially-created virtual world, the goal is to augment objects in the physical world by enhancing them with a wealth of digital information and communication capabilities.

P Milgram, H Colquhoun - Mixed reality-merging real and virtual worlds, 1999
Chapter 1- A taxonomy of Real and Virtual World Display Integration.

The primary objective in this paper od this paper is to present a number of fundamental display integration and orientation issues related to the nascent eld of Mixed Reality. The approach is motivated rst by the need for a more encompassing term to supplement the existing de nition of Augmented Reality (AR), which leads us to propose definitions of the associated concepts of Augmented Virtuality (AV) and then Mixed Reality (MR). Following our discussion of the breadth of Mixed Reality displays in Section 1.1, we discuss the associated issues of viewpoint centricity and control- display mapping in Section 1.2. Finally, in Section 1.3, we present a taxonomy which we hope will be useful for di erentiating between several of the issues raised with regard to the di erent classes of Mixed Reality display systems.

Roomware: Toward the Next Generation of Human-Computer Interaction Based on an Integrated Design of Real and Virtual Worlds, chapter 25, 2001
Norbert A. Streitz, Peter Tandler, Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Shin’ichi Konomi
pp. 511-602

The next generation of human-computer interaction (HCI) is determined by a number
of new contexts and challenges that have evolved during the last five to ten years and will be evolving more rapidly in the next five to ten years. They are rooted in new, emerging technologies as well as in new application areas asking for new approaches and visions of the future beyond the year 2000.

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