Tuesday, November 24, 2009

part 2- second tute

I use new communication technologies to communicate with my friends and family via Facebook and Hotmail account using email. I have been using these communication technologies for a few years now, with email being used before facebook. I found out about these particular technologies through friends, and was more influenced to use facebook with the more friends that joined. Also the more emails I recieved the more I was inclined to send. I haven't always thought of privacy with my online technology, however have since become more careful. Once my email account was hacked into, I made my password less obvious. I also deleted information from my Facebook account such as age etc. I think its pretty sneaky of companies like Facebook to collect and use your personal information as most people are unaware of this fact and they do it quite sneakily. I dont have friends that I have never actually met in person as I believe that what they portray online may be totally different to how they really are.

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